assorted buns ni sy gunakan resepi CHEF ROHAYA.
ni roti garlic butter bun
ni roti bun stollen inti kacang hijau.
1 biji buah avocado (mesti betul2 masak)
susu tepung skimmed milk (atau apa2 jenis susu putih)
gula melaka
beberapa ketul ais
blend semuanya.
notes : juice ni rasanya sikit2 mcm cendol.
1. MUSTAFA CENTRE adalah shopping centre yg terkenal di sg...ramai pelancung2 suka dtg sni...disini ada menjual bermacam2 barang...baju, kasut, perabot, barang eletronic, souvenirs dan bermacam2 lagi...semua dlm satu bumbung...ia di buka 24 jam..sori gambar kat atas tu gelap sikit sbb kita gi lepas subuh...klu lambat susah nak dpt parking.
2, 3. souvenirs ...mcm2 ada...key chains, pens,chocolate dan mcm2 lagi lambang sg.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. perkakas dapur.
11, 12. barang perhiasan dan perabot.
13, 14, 15 16 17. blh didapati kat supermarket.
18, 19. bukan keranda tau heheheh..tu tempat massage...dah penat shopping blhlah gi urut.
20, 21, 22, 23. tempat makan... keliling MUSTAFA CENTRE banyak lagi tempat makan.
notes : lain kali kita kenal tempat2 lain sg pulak.
Makes approx. 15
Shortcrust Pastry:
200g butter, cold but not hard
400g cake flour, sifted
160g castor sugar
1 medium egg, lightly beaten
60g custard powder
500ml milk 70g castor sugar
80g melted cooking chocolate
Mixed fruits Glazing (optional)
80g water
1½ tsp instant jelly
NOTE: Dissolve instant jelly in water. Bring to boil. Let cool a little and use it to glaze the fruits before it sets.
METHOD: Prepare custard. Pour milk into a saucepan. Dissolve custard powder until no lumps are found. Add sugar and stir custard continuously over slow fire until it starts to form soft lumps (but still pipable). Let cool and chill in fridge
Rub butter into cake flour with your fingertips or K-beater of your mixer until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add castor sugar and mix well. Add egg gradually. Stop mixing as soon as a dough is form. Scale 65g of dough onto greased aluminum tart moulds. You will get around 12 portions of dough. Press dough to conform to shape of the moulds.Trim the edges and save them (Note 1). Dock the base of pastry with a fork and bake at 190-200 degC for 25 mins. Cool pastry down.
Spread melted chocolate thinly at the base of pastry. Pipe cold custard on to it. Decorate tarts with fruits as your desire.
Glaze fruits with instant jelly if you wish so that fruits look fresh and attractive. Chill well before serving.
NOTES: Gather the leftover dough, you can actually make approximately 3 tarts more, making total number of serving as 15. Drain fruits well before decoration so that pastry will not be moistened and turn soggy because of the juice/ syrup. Upon removal of tarts from oven, check if the centre of the base is cooked. Return tarts to oven if it is still soft.
LAHMACUN(dari Binnur turkish's cookbook)
1 packet of original tortillas (flat bread 10 pieces)
500g lean ground beef
2 medium onions
1tbs red pepper paste
2 large tomatoes, seed discard.
1 cup parsley (sy guna 1biji green pepper cincang)
1 tsp flakes pepper (ganti chilli flakes)
1 garlic
1 tsp salt
use mixer chop and mix the ingredients except the ground beef. refrigerate for an hour then leave it outside for 20 min. set oven to grill(broil) have two trays ready. take some mixture with the spatula and apply on tortillas bread evenly as a thin layer. place 2 per oven tray and put the tray on the second rack from the top in the oven. bake for 3 to 4 minutes, making sure not to burn the edge of the tortillas.
notes : org turkey suka makan ni dengan salad...blh jugak ltk salad + mayo+ cili sos gulung.
1 biji red pepper
blend semua. masak atas dapur hingga jadi paste.
resipi ni sy ambil di sini http://www.turkishcookbook.com/2006/04/turkish-style-pizza-with-ground-beef.php
notes: klu nak cantik...kat tngh tu blh ltk cherry ke, sesame seed ke atau instant custard seperti gmbr kat atas tu...intinya kacang merah.